Welcome to Yossshhhh(Adam Yoshinaga)'s Secondary Webpage in HTML

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Just kidding haha there's gonna be a lot of random information on this website, plz enjoy :-) Here's a really cool and hip song I recently found!!


Here's some of my favorite drinks!

Kung Fu Tea
Figure 1:My favorite boba place :)

Here's some other information (I also don't know what im gonna put here yet :/)

i once again am unsure of what information is going to be put in this place i am very sad i mean sorry Fun fact! If you use the phrase code you can get text to look like code!

 there once was
          a man named john
          then he went home
          this was not a good poem
          i am very sorry
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Contact Me:

Feel free to contact me in order to set up an appointment for us to chat some more about simply anything!

My schedule
Blue: Weekdays, Green: Weekends
Monday, Wednesday, Friday Tuesday, Thursday Saturday, Sunday
After 2PM After 1PM After 10AM

Random button that does nothing